Green Bug Lectures

Greening Hohenheim regularly invites individuals or organizations that are involved in environmentally-friendly activities to speak on the Hohenheim campus. Generally, our guests give a presentation, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

The Green Bug Lectures can contribute to opening the horizon of students and professionals at the University and thus be a source of inspiration for their private and professional lives. A large range of lectures have been presented so far such as on local associations in Stuttgart, social entrepreneurship and environmental and societal challenges.


  • My Climate

with Stephan Baumeister, CEO My Climate Deutschland.


  •  Vermicomposting!

 with Dr. Rinku Verma from the University of Agricultural Science in Bangalore.


  •  Plastic-Free Living!

 with Katrin Schüler, founder of Naturlieferant in Munich.



  • Repair Café: a really useful address in Stuttgart!

with Matthias Bohling


  • The post-growth Economy: explanations and discussion

 with Niko Paech

  • The success story of Flores Farm, a Fair Trade company

 with Jochen Wolf, co-founder



More about the initiative Green Bug Lectures: here