Support Us

Why support us?

  • Supporting Greening means supporting a student-run, local, and environmentally-friendly organization that strives to improve campus and local livelihoods and can be incorporated into your organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy.
  • Supporting Greening allows you to raise awareness and showcase your organization and its products at the University of Hohenheim (On-Campus Promotion). 


Which organizations can support us?

  • Any organization (local, German or foreign) is welcome to support us.
  • Businesses, non-profit-organizations, public entities or individuals (authors, professors, etc.) who are engaged in environmentally-friendly and responsible activities.


How can my organization support Greening?

  • Become a guest speaker during one of our GreenBug Lectures.
  • Donations of items (e.g. local products, drinks for events, etc.), time and/or skills.
  • Financial donations.


Contact us!