Collection boxes

Dec. 14-18, 2015: Week of Resources Protection

Collection of pens, CDs, deodorants and mobile phones.

Greening collected 21 old mobile phones to be recycled.

Why pens?

For over a year, 5 pen collection boxes have been set-up around the University of Hohenheim. This initiative has been organized as part of the Hohenheim contest for “Sustain.Ability 2.0”. You can get rid of any type of writing utensil such as pens, pencils and markers. Boxes can be found at the Library or at the Mensa, for instance. The collected pens are then sent to the TerraCycle company for recycling and 2ct per pen are donated to the Olgäle Foundation, a local non-profit organization.

Why CDs?

Almost no one knows about it, but there is a collection container for old CDs at the University. These CDs will be collected by Dr. Amann and transformed into new CDs or processed into something else. Indeed, CDs are made of highly valuable Polycarbonate that can only be individually recycled.

Why deodorants?

We take part in the deodorant collection action of the REWE supermarket. The aluminum bottles will be processed into children bikes that then will be donated.

Why mobile phones?

Mobile phones contain many different parts from different rare metals such as tantalum, cobalt, copper and gold. These metals are often extracted from mines in Africa (e.g. Congo) under contested environmental and social conditions. If these mobile phones can’t be fixed, they will be recycled. Thus, the recycling of these materials decreases the need to source raw materials. The revenue from the recycled metals will then be used to support some social projects in Congo.